tuna is perfect for grilling or broiling because it's a very sturdy fish. it's not mushy or runny- it's firm & perfect.

to cook: i simply rubbed olive oil onto each side of the tuna & sprinkled it with a Seafood Seasoning Rub for tuna that i found right in the seafood dept. then i broiled each side, 3 in. from the heat for about 5-7 min (until the center is no longer pink)
we had it with white rice & wax beans. it was awesome- it was also way too much- so we had an extra steak that i could cut in half & stll have enough for both lunch & dinner tomorrow (brandon won't be here)

and to finish off dinner- i had one of the delightful new treats from M&M! these cute little M&M ice cream bars- they're AWESOME! like a big, ice cream filled M&M!!!
that's all for now. God Bless
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