Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quick Pizza Calzone

crescent rolls are like magic. you can turn them into dinner with minimal effort- thats why i keep 2+ cans in my fridge at all times. it's simple science.

Quick Pizza Calzone
1 can crescent rolls
2 cups shredded cheese (any kind)
1/2 cup chopped pepperoni
1 cup pizza sauce (i doctored some tomato sauce with garlic & italian seasoning

Take the crescent rolls out of the can- knead & roll out into a large rectangle. Place onto a foiled baking sheet. In the middle of the dough- spread the sauce, cheese & pepperoni.
Fold the dough over onto itself (like a pocket) and pinch the seams.
Cut a few slits into the top & bake for about 15-20 min @ 375 (per the can directions)

Remove from the oven & let sit for about 5 min.
Slice & enjoy!

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