chocolate + peanut butter = ::insert contented sigh::
make these & try not to ingest them all.
Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Balls (or Buckeyes)
You Need:
2 cups creamy peanut butter
1/4 cup (4 tblsp) unsalted butter- softened
1/4 tsp salt
2-2 1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips
2 tsp vegetable oil
- Place the peanut butter, unsalted butter, and salt in the bowl for your stand mixer (or use a hand mixer). Beat until combined & then tir in the vanilla extract and confectioners sugar and mix until it has the consistency of a dough (add more sugar if needed).
- Roll the dough into 1 inch round balls. Place on the cookie sheet and freeze for about one hour, or until firm.
- Melt the chocolate in a microwave safe bowl (heat, check, stir- repeat) & then stir in the Veg Oil till it's thinned slightly. Using a fork & spoon (or whatever works best for you) dip the balls, one at a time, in the melted chocolate, making sure the entire ball is coated with chocolate (Or for Buckeyes- leave part of the peanut butter ball top exposed) Place the chocolate covered balls back on the baking sheet & pop them into the fridge until hard.
- Store in an airtight container for up to two weeks.

- After the pb balls were frozen i used a toothpick to stick & dip. that made things so much easier. i then went back over each ball with a spot of chocolate.
Not the prettiest- but very efficient.
- freeze the balls before dipping. DO IT!
My mother always put a little parafin into the chocolate when she made these. Something about how it helps the chocolate harden? Either way, these are definitely a favorite of our family :)
Beth- yes- the parafin helps with keeping a shiny chocolate shell
however- since i'd rather not ingest wax ;) i use Veg Oil which basically does the same thing!
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