Friday, March 4, 2011

Texas Toast Grilled Cheese

perhaps i should rename this post "Sinful Indulgence" because that's exactly what a grilled cheese made with Texas Toast is. sinful. and indulgent.

and delicious.

Texas Toast Grilled Cheese
You Need:
2 slices of Texas Toast (i find them in the Walmart bakery)
1-2 slices of Cooper Sharp Cheese (or any cheese for that matter)

Directions: Start off by telling yourself that you're too skinny. You need to fatten up- so this sandwich is perfectly acceptable.

Then- turn on a pan to medium-low heat. Toss 1 slice of Texas Toast in the pan (have i mentioned that Texas Toast is buttered on BOTH sides already?)

So no buttering needed..unless you're really brave. then by all means- butter away.

Place 1 slice of cheese on the slice of toast...or 2 slices. or 3- or whatever.

Place the other slice of Texas Toast on top:

Allow the 1st side to brown (1 min or so) and then flip it over & press down with a spatula. Once the 2nd side is browned & the cheese is nice & melty- pick that sandwich up & put it on a plate.

Then eat it- don't think- just eat. And drink some milk or something- you know, to offset the insane amount of bad you just inhaled.


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