Thursday, March 17, 2011

Baileys Irish Cream Chocolate Mousse Pie

this pie was amazing.

i honestly thought i might get drunk off of it- my mouth was filled with the fabulous taste of Baileys & since i haven't had a drink in over 2 years (hello back to back pregnancies), yeah. i had to stop myself after 2 slices.

it's also so easy that i could justify making it every week. or day. or hour. you get the idea.

since it was St Patty's day- i had a good excuse. so i whipped it up & brought it to work.
thankfully i snagged my 2 pieces early- because after people made the discovery that this pie is laced with booze, it was gone.

Baileys Irish Cream Chocolate Mousse Pie
You Need:
1 (6 oz) chocolate crumb crust (you can make your own or simply buy a ready made. i used an Oreo Cookie ready made crust)
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
1 tsp vanilla extract
3/4 cup milk (whole)
3/4 cup Baileys Irish Cream
6 oz semi sweet chocolate chips
2 cups Cool Whip

Directions: Pour the milk into a medium saucepan & sprinkle the gelatin over top. Let it sit for 1 min & then stir over LOW heat until the gelatin dissolves (about 4-5 min or so)

Add the chocolate & continue to stir until melted- then stir in the vanilla.

Remove from heat & stir occasionally for about 5 minutes & then stir in the Baileys.

Pop the pan into the fridge for about 5-10 minutes, or until the mixture forms mounds when dropped from the spoon (i originally- per the directions- let this sit on the counter for a good 20 minutes waiting for it to thicken up. it simply wasn't working- so i tossed it into the fridge for about 10 minutes & that's what did the trick)

Fold in the Cool Whip and pour into the crust. Smooth it up & put it in the fridge for AT LEAST 4 hours (but i let it sit overnight & then some).

About an hour before you're going to serve- pop it in the freezer. (you totally don't have to do this- but i think it gives it a nice texture & makes it the perfect cold temperature)

You can garnish with more Cool Whip or real whipped cream or chocolate shavings if you want.

Enjoy- and try to restrain yourself from eating the entire thing.

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